News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
India’s covid contact tracing app turned into “sophisticated surveillance system”
Now that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic is over, India is attempting to repurpose its contract tracing app as a new mass surveillance, tracking and spying tool. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology originally developed Aarogya Setu, as the app is called, in 2020 at the onset of the Fauci Flu plandemic. Government officials […]
By Ethan Huff
Facebook shuts down 100,000-member group for using carrot emoji to refer to covid vaccines, because no discussion of vaccine injuries shall be allowed
BBC News (United Kingdom) is on a crusade to stamp out all online references to covid “vaccines” that are negative – including those that use a carrot emoji to bypass social media censors. BBC is responsible for the removal of a more than 100,000-member Facebook group that routinely showed posts referencing Fauci Flu shots with […]
By Ethan Huff
US government’s new Central Bank Digital Currency is a fast track to digital concentration camps
The Biden regime has published a “comprehensive framework” pushing a private central banking-controlled Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to replace the paper fiat dollars we are all used to using currently. At the same time attacking decentralized cryptocurrencies, the Biden White House says that before the end of the year, all Americans need to be […]
By Ethan Huff
Creepy Google AI targeted father, falsely accused him of child sex crimes following private conversation between him and doctor about son’s groin problems
A Silicon Valley software engineer faced a government probe and had his Google email accounts shut down and deleted after the tech giant’s artificial intelligence (AI) apparatus falsely flagged him for child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The unnamed father, who chose to remain anonymous for he and his family’s protection, says things went south back […]
By Ethan Huff
World Economic Forum launches AI-controlled “global intelligence” apparatus to erase unapproved ideas from internet
To solve the “problem” of free speech on the internet, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Inbal Goldberger, the vice president of “Trust & Safety” at ActiveFence, are proposing a new “global intelligence” spying operation controlled by artificial intelligence (AI). Since Big Tech has failed to effectively stamp out independent thought on social media, the […]
By Ethan Huff
Klaus Schwab and his WEF minions are now recruiting “information warriors” to stamp out free speech on the internet
There is another plandemic that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants to stamp out with more tyranny, and it is known as free speech on the internet. Schwab is so opposed to people reading and sharing anything other than what he deems as “truth” that he has recruited hundreds of thousands of […]
By Ethan Huff
Amazon’s Ring doorbell cameras spy on users and their neighbors
Millions of dumbed-down Americans are voluntarily paying for their country’s continued descent into a technocratic dictatorship controlled by Amazon and its ever-expanding lineup of spying apparatus, including the always-listening and always-watching Ring doorbell. An astounding 18 percent of the country now owns a doorbell from Ring, an Amazon subsidiary company that billionaire techno-terrorist Jeff Bezos […]
By Ethan Huff
Amazon buys iRobot, meaning Jeff Bezos may now have a map of your entire home
The latest company to be absorbed into the Amazon empire is iRobot, which sells Roomba vacuums that map out people’s homes and quietly send the data back to the mothership. Now that Jeff Bezos and his cronies have access to said data, they will know even more personal details about the lives of their customers […]
By Ethan Huff
Dozens of Whole Foods stores in California unveil cashless payment system using the palm of your hand
After running an apparently successful pilot of the program in several hotspots such as Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, and Austin, Amazon-owned Whole Foods Market is now expanding its cashless biometric payment system to dozens of additional stores in the California market. According to reports, customers at Whole Foods who agree to jump through a […]
By Ethan Huff
The scandal-ridden crypto industry is imploding, with Celsius firing 25% of its workforce as collapse contagion spreads
Almost one-quarter of the workforce at American-Israeli crypto lender Celsius was laid off last month as the company faces restructuring and possible insolvency. According to LinkedIn, Celsius has about 650 staff members, but 150 of them were let go amid a financial crisis that saw customer withdrawals halted in June. Celsius cited “extreme market conditions” […]
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