News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
“Privacy apocalypse” averted… for now: California bans the use of facial recognition tech on recordings from police officer cameras
California may have a lot of questionable laws on its books, but there’s one that is worthy of applause. It prohibits the use of facial recognition technology in recordings that are made by police officer cameras. Facial recognition is a technology that works by matching the real-time images of a person to a previous photograph […]
By Cassie B.
China’s social credit system: Citizens required to scan their faces before they can access the internet or purchase a smartphone
China is known for exercising extreme amounts of internet censorship and surveillance, but the situation recently grew even more outrageous as a new requirement kicked in for Chinese people to scan their faces for internet access. Under the previous rules, Chinese people were required to show an identification card before getting internet installed in their […]
By Cassie B.
Fly on the wall: Researchers use Wi-Fi signals to “see” behind walls and identify human targets
Wi-Fi signals can be found everywhere these days, and while that may be good when you’re looking to check your email, all this connectivity is coming at the expense of personal privacy. The pervasiveness of Wi-Fi has spurred the development of new surveillance abilities that are as clever as they are concerning. For example, researchers […]
By Cassie B.
MIT scientists extremely skeptical of Elon Musk’s creepy “neuroscience theater” Neuralink chip
When Elon Musk presented his creepy Neuralink brain implant in a streamed product update on YouTube on Friday, he said he believed that billions of people will be clamoring for it – but real scientists have expressed serious skepticism. The stated goal of Neuralink is to “implant wireless brain-computer interfaces that include thousands of electrodes […]
By Cassie B.
Amnesty International’s Security Lab identifies several dangerous contact tracing apps already in use
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way a lot of us live our lives. Many people are now willing to keep their distance from strangers and wear masks in public, but the kind of freedoms that many contact tracing apps are asking people to give up is a cause for serious concern. When experts first […]
By Cassie B.
Contact tracing app surveillance raising serious privacy concerns
The idea of mandatory vaccines might not be the only attack on personal freedoms to come out of the coronavirus crisis – people around the world must also contend with the idea of contact tracing, and it is raising a lot of questions about privacy. One organization that is recruiting and training contact tracers, CONTRACE […]
By Cassie B.
Amazon under fire for closing customer service line despite record sales
As you might expect, online retail giant Amazon has been enjoying incredible sales these days as people are generally stuck at home around the world – around $11,000 a second of sales, to be more precise. Their share price has climbed by more than a third in under a month, and owner Jeff Bezos has […]
By Cassie B.
Chinese government using facial recognition tech that can identify people even when they’re wearing coronavirus masks
The Chinese government is known for being extreme when it comes to tracking people, and now they’ve found a way to continue their creepy surveillance even when people are wearing masks. A Chinese firm has announced that it has developed the country’s first facial recognition technology capable of identifying people who are wearing masks. The […]
By Cassie B.
Hackers shut down operations in Wyoming hospital, forcing patients to be transferred
In case we needed another reminder of how terribly things can go wrong when we place too much trust in technology, an attack on the computers of a healthcare system in Wyoming forced a hospital to transfer patients and cancel surgeries. The problem was caused by a ransomware attack that took control of the computers […]
By Cassie B.
Artificial justice: Estonia is building a robot judge to settle backlogged cases
Estonia has come up with a solution to its backlog of small claims disputes that is as novel as it is disturbing: They’re building a robot judge to decide on pending cases. As outrageous as it sounds, officials from the country’s Ministry of Justice have asked Chief Data Officer Ott Velsberg to design an artificial […]
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