News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
New research discovers how brain cells used for navigation operate, shedding insight on brain diseases and overuse of technology
It’s something that happens to many people every day: you walk outside of the subway tunnel, look around, and instantly realize right where you are and head on your way. As simple as it sounds in theory, the mechanisms underlying this nearly-automatic act are so complex that scientists have long struggled to understand them Now, […]
By Cassie B.
Latest face-reading AI will detect your IQ, sexual orientation and political beliefs
At the recent unveiling of their newest iPhone models, Apple bragged about their use of face-reading artificial intelligence (AI). The phones will use the technology in place of fingerprint readers and numeric passcodes to unlock them, and Apple claims the Face ID system is so smart that it can even identify people when they are […]
By Cassie B.
Blame the victim strategy reaches corporate level: Deutsche Bank plans to replace much of workforce with robots, because they act like robots anyway
One of the world’s biggest banks, Deutsche Bank, has announced that it will be replacing a significant portion of its workforce with robots. The financial institution, which is based in Frankfurt, Germany, employs more than 100,000 people. It is not known exactly how many people will be laid off or when, but CEO John Cryan […]
By Cassie B.
Finally a real-world use for blockchain: Food industry giants using it to prevent food fraud and speed logistics
Food fraud is a serious problem, and it’s estimated to cost the global food industry around $40 billion each year. It’s not just a costly problem; it can also be a deadly one, as the 2008 crisis with melamine-tainted milk that killed at least six babies illustrated. Two out of five Chinese people consider food […]
By Cassie B.
Amazon patents technology to CENSOR your mobile device from checking competing prices while browsing Whole Foods stores… the monopoly steamroller continues
Amazon wants to make sure that when you shop at Whole Foods, you won’t stray to its competitors, and it has now filed a patent to provide itself with another tool in its arsenal with overtones of monopolistic behavior that is leaving a bitter taste in some people’s mouths. The way it works is simple. […]
By Cassie B.
People now broadcasting their ENTIRE private lives online in “LifeStreaming” push that pays them $200 per month
The inexplicable impulse some people have to “overshare” the most mundane details of their lives online is now reaching new lows as one company is now offering people $200 per month for 24/7 broadcasts of their lives. If you thought hearing what your aunt had for breakfast was boring, perhaps watching strangers sit on their […]
By Cassie B.
Comcast accused of submitting anti-net neutrality names and comments to the FCC without permission; is your name on the list?
When the FCC opened up its website last month for comments on the anti-net neutrality proposal that was put forth by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, it was flooded with more than 2.5 million comments about the controversial proposal. However, it turns out that not all of these comments are legitimate. In fact, it is now […]
By Cassie B.
Tech giants are the new wealthy “industrialists” of the modern age… and the rest of the population resents it
While economic growth in the U.S. remains stagnant, one sector has been performing remarkably well: Technology. Big tech stocks like Apple and Amazon have noted incredible gains, prompting one popular strategist to take a cue from the Occupy Wall Street movement and create a report called “Occupy Silicon Valley.” According to Bank of America Merrill […]
By Cassie B.
Wi-fi signals can be used to see through the walls of your home and invade your privacy
If you have a Wi-Fi router in your house, you’re probably quite familiar with its ability to pass through walls. There might be some far corners of your house where it can’t quite reach, frustrating you to no end, but its power to keep you connected as you move from room to room is nothing […]
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